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Hey Hey Hey! I'm Bell!

Your flirty, thirty-ish and somewhat thriving of What The Bell!

An OG Austinite born and raised in the music world, who loves and is most comfortable being in front of a microphone.

I have lived a colorful life full of all kinds of twists, turns and adventure.Seriously, all kinds. I look forward to sharing my wild stories & love of fashion, Beyonce, true crime, and the pursuit of happiness I am on. 

The one thing I would like for anyone listening to know is; I am 100% the person you tune in to hear, in real life. I will always strive to ensure and maintain the transparency of who I am. I want all listeners; first/long time, people who know me, and those who are just getting to know me to feel a connection with me. After all, I want everyone to feel like mi familia. 

When I am not working on anything Sis, Stop! related I am typically spending time with my husband & puppers, my close knit group of friends, dancing with my squad, or shopping. 

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